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  • runwayfarms


We put our little meat birds out on the pasture. Finally! My husband and I were beyond ready to get them out of our small barn and into the outdoors. As it is early March, the temperatures in our neck of the woods can be 75 degrees during the day and plummet into the low twenties at night.

I woke up and looked out of my window to see rain. When I opened the door to let the girls take their morning saunter through the front yard, my skin was grasped by the air of the chilly morning. I quickly said a prayer over our little meaties and continued to get the dogs food.

Heating up my second cup of coffee, I found myself worrying about those dang birds again. I didn't want them to get too cold. Not only did they have the opportunity to be cold...they could also be cold and wet. I started to say another prayer over them when God spoke to me.

It was a strong feeling that was as loud as hearing a voice. It asked me "are you worried about My faithfulness?"

I believe that God faithful- I have for years, but, I stopped in awe for a moment and realized that every time I give something to God and continue to worry about it, I am questioning God's faithfulness. It is written in the bible that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is written in the bible that He will never leave me nor forsake me. It is written that God has good plans. Plans for prosperity and not for harm.

I am still awe-struck that in all of my years of worry.. after 30 years (31 in June) I realized what my worry really was. Worry is my lack of faith in all of God's promises. I prayed over our meat birds- gave the situation to Him and then continued to worry, instead of trusting Him enough to let it go fully.

I finished my cup of coffee and went out to do my morning rounds. It was a beautiful, cold and rainy morning. In the cold and the rain the little meat birds all ran out to greet me and eat their breakfast. No one was hurt. Not a single one froze to death and not a one missed their breakfast.

God cares about what we care about. If we give it to Him we no longer have to worry; but thank Him for His faithfulness.

How great is our God?!

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