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Over the weekend my husband and I had a small get together to butcher our feeder pigs. This was my first experience with feeder pigs ( in case you were wondering, I will have more!). As a Kune Kune Pig Mom, the Feeders were not my first I already knew that there was a possibility of getting attached to them.

When we first brought the feeders home and I really got to look at them...I was less worried about attachment because they weren't as adorable as my Kune Kune pigs. Time passed, and as the main "care giver" I got to spend a little bit more time with the animals than my husband. I was able to watch these little piggies grow into big piggies and I got to catch on to all of their personalities.

My favorite pig was Pretty Face. She had the sweetest face to match her personality. She would always run to the fence in the morning to greet me while simultaneously looking for her breakfast bowl.

There was also Crazy Eyes. Now, Crazy Eyes didn't have messed up eyes. He did have really long eyelashes on his left eye. So much longer than his right eye that it made him almost appear to have a lazy eye because his lashes matched his coat! Last, but not least there was Pig Pig.

Pig Pig was the bossy one of the bunch. She was the highest in the pecking order and she never wanted to sleep in the middle of the group. One of the ends was her spot!

It was bittersweet when it came time to call our pigs home. Cameron told me this was their purpose all along and that they had a great life. The pigs purpose made me think about my purpose and how I always wonder to God what my purpose is.

For the longest time I thought that I only had one purpose in life. At 30 I was frustrated and giving up hope because I just couldn't figure out what my purpose was. When in doubt, ask your mother. So that is what I did.

Her words of wisdom were that you have a purpose in whatever season you are in. Always evolving and changing, we all go through a number of seasons. My purpose at one point may be self care in the form of diet and fitness...but in another season my purpose may be to be a happy helper so that my husband and I can live our dream as farmers.

Much like Pretty Face and the rest of our their purpose is food. Before their journey to sustenance, their purpose was maybe to cheer me up on days I was down. They had purpose in being my friends and giving me experience I needed to successfully raise another batch to feed friends and family.

Don't fret! Purpose isn't singular. Purpose arises every day in numerous opportunities. Cheering up a stranger, purchasing someones groceries whom otherwise may not be able to afford it, showing patience to influence another. I am now overwhelmed that every day I have multiple purposes! Thank you, Jesus!

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